Parent Tips: Practice 1.2.3

Note the spacing choices and sentence lengths in this old French text and how they differ from current conventions. Why might that be?

June Writers Academy believes strongly in the value of teaching our kids the history and reasoning behind Standard English writing conventions both because the history is fascinating and because it teaches kids why there is value in consistently using the conventions (and when it’s OK to break the rules). Our goal is for your June Writer to master the conventions and to see the connection between language and human culture.

Exclamation Points & Emojis

This video lesson discusses the use of periods, question marks, and emojis. We do not discuss exclamation points in this lesson because we want to wean kids off of their (understandable) inclination to use exclamation points as their default when they write. That said, we do cover the use of exclamation points in Practice 1.2.4.

As you know, it’s also important to wean students off the use of emojis when they write. This video lesson gives our practical advice on how to place emojis in a text; this small regulation reduces some of the wild mess that comes with the overuse of emojis. The rest of this lesson, though, does not encourage children to use or practice the use of emojis in their writing. In other words, this is a harm reduction strategy followed by a cold turkey implementation. If you prefer a no emojis policy for your child(ren), then you should make that clear and explain why. They will almost certainly ask!

Cross-Cutting Tips

June Writers Academy

The writing & critical thinking program for kids.

Parent Tips: Practice 1.3.1


Parent Tips: Practice 1.2.2